Packages: 54
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests

Leaching tests / Waste/construction material

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-1 (L/S 2, 4mm)

Leaching test according to EN 12457-1, LS/2 (4 mm)

Package info

Price: 2 320 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 4 mm and shaken with deionized water in one step: firstly at L/S 2 for 24 hours and then at L/S 8 for 18 hours. The total leaching time is 24 hours and the accumulated L/S ratio is 10. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
Leachate analyses not included in the price.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-2 (L/S 10, 4mm)

Leaching test according to EN 12457-2, LS/10 (4 mm)

Package info

Price: 2 320 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 4 mm and shaken with deionized water in one step: at L/S 10 for 24 hours. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
Leachate analyses not included in the price.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)

Leaching test according to EN 12457-3, LS/2 and LS/10 (4 mm)

Package info

Price: 3 225 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 4 mm and shaken with deionized water in two steps: firstly at L/S 2 for 6 hours and then at L/S 8 for 18 hours. The total leaching time is 24 hours and the accumulated L/S ratio is 10. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
Leachate analyses not included in the price.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-4 (L/S 10, 10mm)

Leaching test according to EN 12457-4, LS/10 (10 mm)

Package info

Price: 2 320 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 10 mm and shaken with deionized water in one step: at L/S 10 for 24 hours. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
Leachate analyses not included in the price.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10

Percolation test (5 cm diameter column) according to SIS-CEN/TS 14405

Package info

Price: 11 070 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 5 kg
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved (or crushed) at <4 mm or <10 mm depending on column diameter. The sample is packed and leached while continuously increasing the L/S ratio by slowly pumping in deionized water from the bottom of the column. Maximum 7 leachates are extracted from the column at the L/S ratios 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10. The leachates are analyzed separately. Leachate analyses not included in the price.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10

Percolation test (10 cm diameter column) according to SIS-CEN/TS 14405

Package info

Price: 12 220 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 5 kg
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved (or crushed) at <4 mm or <10 mm depending on column diameter. The sample is packed and leached while continuously increasing the L/S ratio by slowly pumping in deionized water from the bottom of the column. Maximum 7 leachates are extracted from the column at the L/S ratios 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10. The leachates are analyzed separately. Leachate analyses not included in the price.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
The TAT can be longer (up to 16 weeks) depending on the properties of the material. Please contact us for more information.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
TOC 0.1 %

TOC in waste and building material

Package info

Price: 650 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Method: According to SS-EN 13137.
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Included in criteria for all waste types except for stable non-reactive hazardous waste deposited at landfill/cell for non-hazardous waste.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
pH 3-13 pH

pH in construction material

Package info

Price: 390 SEK / sample
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Remarks: Included only in criteria for stable non-reactive hazardous waste accepted at landfills for non-hazardous waste
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al, aluminium 2 µg/l
As, arsenic 1 1 µg/l
Ba, barium 0.2 µg/l
Ca, calcium 200 µg/l
Cd, cadmium 2 0.05 µg/l
Co, cobalt 0.05 µg/l
Cr, chromium 0.5 µg/l
Cu, copper 1 µg/l
Fe, iron 4 µg/l
Hg, mercury 0.02 µg/l
K, potassium 500 µg/l
Mg, magnesium 90 µg/l
Mn, manganese 0.2 µg/l
Mo, molybdenum 1 µg/l
Na, sodium 200 µg/l
Ni, nickel 0.5 µg/l
Pb, lead 0.2 µg/l
Sb, antimony 0.1 µg/l
Se, selenium 3 2.5 µg/l
Zn, zinc 2 µg/l
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
pH 3-11 pH
conductivity 1 mS/m

LV-3a Leachate, no digestion

Package info

Price: 2 570 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: min. 60 ml
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Supplementary element outside the accreditation: Sulphur requires special digestion. Contact laboratory for price (SEK).
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.

1 Analysis of As is performed using high resolution technique within the accreditation.
2 A higher limit of quantification applies to samples with high molybdenum levels.
3 Analysis of Se is performed using high resolution technique within the accrediation. A lower limit of reporting (0.008 ug/l) can be obtained after digestion with HCl in autoclave (non-accredited analysis).
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 1 1 µg/l
Ba, barium 0.2 µg/l
Cd, cadmium 2 0.05 µg/l
Cr, chromium 0.5 µg/l
Cu, copper 1 µg/l
Hg, mercury 0.02 µg/l
Mo, molybdenum 1 µg/l
Ni, nickel 0.5 µg/l
Pb, lead 0.2 µg/l
Sb, antimony 0.1 µg/l
Se, selenium 3 2.5 µg/l
Zn, zinc 2 µg/l
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
pH 3-11 pH
conductivity 1 mS/m

LV-4a Leachate, analysis without digestion

Package info

Price: 2 040 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Container: 2x250 ml plastic bottle + 60 ml plastic bottle
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Supplementary element outside the accreditation: Sulphur requires special digestion. Contact laboratory for price (SEK).
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
Exprassanalysis with shorter TAT can be offered in combination with leaching tests (one step). Please contact the laboratory in Luleå for information.

1 Analysis of As is performed using high resolution technique within the accreditation.
2 A higher limit of quantification applies to samples with high molybdenum levels.
3 Analysis of Se is performed using high resolution technique within the accrediation. A lower limit of reporting (0.008 ug/l) can be obtained after digestion with HCl in autoclave (non-accredited analysis).
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al, aluminium 2 µg/l
Be, beryllium 1 0.5 µg/l
B, boron 20 µg/l
Cs, cesium 1 0.05 µg/l
Fe, iron 0.004 mg/l
Li, lithium 10 µg/l
Mn, manganese 0.2 µg/l
P, phosphorus 10 µg/l
Rb, rubidium 1 0.01 µg/l
Si, silicon 0.4 mg/l
Sr, strontium 10 µg/l
S, sulphur 0.2 mg/l
Tl, thallium 0.1 µg/l
Sn, tin 0.5 µg/l
Ti, titanium 1 0.01 µg/l
U, uranium 0.01 µg/l
V, vanadium 0.05 µg/l
Zr, zirconium 1 0.01 µg/l

LV-3a-ADD Supplementary elements

Package info

Price: 2 580 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Remarks: For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
phenol index

Phenol index for leachate

Package info

Price: 775 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Remarks: Included only in criteria for inert waste accepted at landfills for inert waste
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
TS for dissolved compounds

Total dissolved solids in leaching water

Package info

Price: 415 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Remarks: For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
naphthalene 0.1 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.3 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.05 mg/kg
fluorene 0.1 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.1 mg/kg
anthracene 0.1 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.1 mg/kg
pyrene 0.1 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
chrysene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.1 mg/kg
indeno(123cd)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
sum of 16 PAHs 0.4 mg/kg
sum of other PAHs 0.2 mg/kg
sum of carcinogenic PAH 0.3 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.003 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.003 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.003 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.003 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.003 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.003 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.003 mg/kg
sum PCB 7 0.01 mg/kg
benzene 0.2 mg/kg
sum of xylenes 0.50 mg/kg
toluene 0.20 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.20 mg/kg
oil index >C10-C40 50 mg/kg

LOJ-1 Analysis of inert solid material

Package info

Price: 3 405 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: Soil: diffusion tight plastic bag. Sludge/sediment 212 ml/720 ml glass jar or 2,3 l plastic bucket
Method: GC-FID/GC-MS
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Total concentration analyses on inert material according to NFS 2004:10.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:

ANC (alkalinity)

Package info

Price: 1 885 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: 100 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Included in criteria for stable non-reactive hazardous waste accepted at landfills for non-hazardous waste; and for landfills for hazardous waste
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Following steps will be performed:
1. Adsorbed and exchangable metals, carbonates (1.0 M Na-acetate buffer)
2. Labil organic forms (0.1 M Na-pyro phosphate)
3. Amorph Fe/Mn-oxids (0.25 M NH2OH·HCl in 0.1 M HCl in 60°C )
4. Cristallic ferric oxids (1.0 M NH2OH·HCl in 25% acetic acid in 90°C )
5. Stable organic forms, sulphides (K-chlorate in 12 M HCl,4 M HNO3 in 90°)

Sek-Lak Sequential leaching 5 steps

Package info

Price: 10 020 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 20 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: For more information, we refer to ALS Scandinavia Luleå.
Analysis of Na, K and P cannot be ordered.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-1 (L/S 2, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)

LAK-1 Leaching test EN 12457-1 (L/S 2, 4mm) + analysis (LV-4a)

Package info

Price: 4 410 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 4 mm and shaken with deionized water in one step: firstly at L/S 2 for 24 hours and then at L/S 8 for 18 hours. The total leaching time is 24 hours and the accumulated L/S ratio is 10. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-6a Leaching test and analysis of hazardous waste not regularly generated, according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 9 580 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-2 (L/S 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-5a Leaching test (one step) and analysis of hazardous waste according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 6 700 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
phenol index
Analysis of solid material:
Analytical package LOJ-1
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-6c Leaching test and analysis of inert waste not regularly generated, according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 12 730 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: För scope of analysis of LOJ-1, please click here.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-2 (L/S 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)

LAK-2 Leaching test EN 12457-2 (L/S 10, 4mm) + analysis (LV-4a)

Package info

Price: 4 285 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 4 mm and shaken with deionized water in one step: at L/S 10 for 24 hours. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)

LAK-3 Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm) + analysis (LV-4a)

Package info

Price: 7 395 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 4 mm and shaken with deionized water in two steps: firstly at L/S 2 for 6 hours and then at L/S 8 for 18 hours. The total leaching time is 24 hours and the accumulated L/S ratio is 10. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-4 (L/S 10, 10mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)

LAK-4 Leaching test EN 12457-4 (L/S 10, 10mm) + analysis (LV-4a)

Package info

Price: 4 410 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: A sample is sieved at 10 mm and shaken with deionized water in one step: at L/S 10 for 24 hours. After filtering, the leachates are analyzed separately.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al, aluminium 10 mg/kg dry weight
As, arsenic 3 mg/kg dry weight
Ba, barium 1 mg/kg dry weight
Be, beryllium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Ca, calcium 100 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Co, cobalt 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg dry weight
Fe, iron 20 mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
K, potassium 100 mg/kg dry weight
Mg, magnesium 50 mg/kg dry weight
Mn, manganese 1 mg/kg dry weight
Mo, molybdenum 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Na, sodium 100 mg/kg dry weight
Nb, niobium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 2 mg/kg dry weight
P, phosphorus 50 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg dry weight
S, sulphur 100 mg/kg dry weight
Sb, antimony 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Sc, scandium 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Si, silicon 400 mg/kg dry weight
Sn, tin 0.2 mg/kg dry weight
Sr, strontium 2 mg/kg dry weight
Ti, titanium 2 mg/kg dry weight
V, vanadium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
W, tungsten 0.2 mg/kg dry weight
Y, yttrium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zinc 4 mg/kg dry weight
Zr, zirconium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight

TC-3 Total metal content (32) in waste/construction material, HNO3/HCl/HF digestion and fusion

Package info

Price: 2 135 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Method: Analysis by ICP-SFMS after digestion by fusion/HNO3, HCl and HF. Method selection will be optimized depending on sample matrix.
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lower LOQ(s) are available.
Please contact client service
Accreditation is valid for soil, sediment, sludge (after ashing), minerals, ash and minerogenic building material.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.
Price for single element analysis: 615 SEK. Subsequent elements: 230 SEK/element. Request a quote when ordering of more than 5 elements.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 3 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.05 mg/kg
Co, cobalt 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.05 mg/kg
Mn, manganese 1 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 2 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
S, sulphur 100 mg/kg
Sb, antimony 0.05 mg/kg
V, vanadium 0.5 mg/kg
Zn, zinc 4 mg/kg

TC-1 Total metal content (13) in waste/construction material, HNO3/HCl/HF digestion

Package info

Price: 1 500 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Method: ICP-SFMS after digestion with HNO3, HCl and HF
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lower LOQ(s) are available.
Please contact client service
Accreditation is valid for soil, sediment, sludge (after ashing), minerals, ash and minerogenic building material.
Cost for sample preparation may be added. Please contact the laboratory for the best digestion method for solid samples.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Ag, silver 0.1 mg/kg
Al, aluminium 10 mg/kg
Au, gold 0.05 mg/kg
B, boron 10 mg/kg
Ba, barium 1 mg/kg
Be, beryllium 0.5 mg/kg
Bi, bismuth 0.05 mg/kg
Ca, calcium 100 mg/kg
Cs, cesium 0.05 mg/kg
Fe, iron 20 mg/kg
Ga, gallium 0.5 mg/kg
Ge, germanium 1 mg/kg
Hf, hafnium 1 mg/kg
Ir, iridium 0.05 mg/kg
K, potassium 100 mg/kg
Li, lithium 1 mg/kg
Mg, magnesium 50 mg/kg
Mo, molybdenum 0.5 mg/kg
Na, sodium 100 mg/kg
Nb, niobium 0.05 mg/kg
P, phosphorus 50 mg/kg
Pd, palladium 0.5 mg/kg
Pt, platinum 0.05 mg/kg
Rb, rubidium 0.5 mg/kg
Ru, ruthenium 0.5 mg/kg
Sc, scandium 0.1 mg/kg
Se, selenium 2 mg/kg
Si, silicon 1 mg/kg
Sn, tin 0.2 mg/kg
Sr, strontium 2 mg/kg
Ta, tantalum 1 mg/kg
Te, tellurium 0.5 mg/kg
Th, thorium mg/kg
Ti, titanium 2 mg/kg
Tl, thallium 0.05 mg/kg
W, tungsten 0.2 mg/kg
Zr, zirconium 1 mg/kg

TC-1-ADD Supplementary analytes (waste/construction material)

Package info

Price: See remarks
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Method: ICP-SFMS after digestion with HNO3, HCl and HF
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for single element analysis: 615 SEK. Subsequent elements: 230 SEK/element. Request a quote when ordering of more than 5 elements.
Lower LOQ(s) are available.
Please contact client service
Accreditation is valid for soil, sediment, sludge (after ashing), minerals, ash and minerogenic building material.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Ag, silver 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Au, gold 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
B, boron 10 mg/kg dry weight
Bi, bismuth 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ce, cerium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Cs, cesium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Dy, dysprosium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Er, erbium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Eu, europium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ga, gallium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Gd, gadolinium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ge, germanium 1 2 mg/kg dry weight
Hf, hafnium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ho, holmium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ir, iridium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
La, lanthanum 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Li, lithium 1 mg/kg dry weight
Lu, lutetium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Nd, neodymium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Pd, palladium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Pr, praseodymium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Pt, platinum 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Rb, rubidium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Re, rhenium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Rh, rhodium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Ru, ruthenium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Se, selenium 2 mg/kg dry weight
Sm, samarium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Ta, tantalum 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Tb, terbium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Te, tellurium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Th, thorium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Tl, thallium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Tm, thulium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
U, uranium 0.06 mg/kg dry weight
Yb, ytterbium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight

TC-3-ADD Supplementary analytes (waste/construction material)

Package info

Price: See remarks
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Method: Analysis by ICP-SFMS after digestion by fusion/HNO3, HCl and HF. Method selection will be optimized depending on sample matrix.
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for single element analysis: 615 SEK. Subsequent elements: 230 SEK/element. Request a quote when ordering of more than 5 elements.
Lower LOQ(s) are available.
Please contact client service
Accreditation is valid for soil, sediment, sludge (after ashing), minerals, ash and minerogenic building material.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al, aluminium 2 µg/l
Be, beryllium 1 0.5 µg/l
Co, cobalt 0.05 µg/l
Cs, cesium 1 0.05 µg/l
Fe, iron 0.004 mg/l
Mn, manganese 0.2 µg/l
P, phosphorus 10 µg/l
Rb, rubidium 1 0.01 µg/l
Tl, thallium 0.1 µg/l
Sn, tin 0.5 µg/l
Ti, titanium 1 0.01 µg/l
U, uranium 0.01 µg/l
V, vanadium 0.05 µg/l

LV-4a-ADD Supplementary elements

Package info

Price: See remarks.
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: min. 60 ml
Method: ICP-MS
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for single element analysis: 425 SEK. Subsequent elements: 230 SEK/element. Request a quote when ordering of more than 5 elements.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-6b Leaching test and analysis of non-hazardous waste not regularly generated, according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 7 720 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-2 (L/S 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-5b Leaching test (one step) and analysis of non-hazardous waste according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 4 850 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-2 (L/S 10, 4mm)
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
phenol index
Analysis of solid material:
Analytical package LOJ-1
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-5c Leaching test (one step) and analysis of inert waste according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 9 860 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 2 kg
Container: 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: För scope of analysis of LOJ-1, please click here.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-7a Percolation test and analysis of hazardous waste according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 17 100 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 5 kg
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-7b Percolation test and analysis of non-hazardous waste according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 15 250 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 5 kg
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
phenol index
Analysis of solid material:
Analytical package LOJ-1
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-7c Percolation test and analysis of inert waste according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 20 240 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 3 kg
Container: 2 x 2,3 L plastic bucket
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: För scope of analysis of LOJ-1, please click here.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-8a Leaching tests and analyses for basic characterization of hazardous waste, according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 23 945 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 3 kg
Container: 2 x 2,3 L plastic bucket
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
Analysis of solid material:
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-8b Leaching tests and analyses for basic characterization of non-hazardous waste, according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 22 100 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 3 kg
Container: 2 x 2,3 L plastic bucket
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Leaching test EN 12457-3 (L/S 2 & 10, 4mm)
Percolation test (column test) L/S 0.1 & 10
Leaching water analysis acc. to LV-4a:
As, arsenic
Ba, barium
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Hg, mercury
Mo, molybdenum
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Sb, antimony
Se, selenium
Zn, zinc
DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
phenol index
Analysis of solid material:
Analytical package LOJ-1
TOC 0.1 %

LAK-8c Leaching tests and analyses for basic characterization of inert waste, according to recommendations in NFS 2004:10

Package info

Price: 27 000 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 8 weeks
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests > Leaching tests
Sample amount: approx. 3 kg
Container: 2 x 2,3 L plastic bucket
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: För scope of analysis of LOJ-1, please click here.
For certain types of sludge and clayey materials that are difficult to filter, only the L/S 10-leaching will be performed.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.
For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al, aluminium 2 µg/l
As, arsenic 1 0.5 µg/l
Ba, barium 0.2 µg/l
Ca, calcium 200 µg/l
Cd, cadmium 2 0.05 µg/l
Co, cobalt 0.05 µg/l
Cr, chromium 0.5 µg/l
Cu, copper 1 µg/l
Fe, iron 4 µg/l
Hg, mercury 0.02 µg/l
Mg, magnesium 90 µg/l
Mn, manganese 0.2 µg/l
Mo, molybdenum 0.5 µg/l
Ni, nickel 0.5 µg/l
Pb, lead 0.2 µg/l
V, vanadium 0.05 µg/l
Zn, zinc 2 µg/l

Sek-V-3a Metal analysis of leachate from sequential leaching

Package info

Price: 1 300 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 20 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Sample amount: min. 5 g
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Analysis of Na, K and P cannot be ordered.
1 A higher limit of quantification applies to samples with high chloride levels.
2 A higher limit of quantification applies to samples with high molybdenum levels.