Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al, aluminium 2 µg/l
Be, beryllium 1 0.5 µg/l
B, boron 20 µg/l
Cs, cesium 1 0.05 µg/l
Fe, iron 0.004 mg/l
Li, lithium 10 µg/l
Mn, manganese 0.2 µg/l
P, phosphorus 10 µg/l
Rb, rubidium 1 0.01 µg/l
Si, silicon 0.4 mg/l
Sr, strontium 10 µg/l
S, sulphur 0.2 mg/l
Tl, thallium 0.1 µg/l
Sn, tin 0.5 µg/l
Ti, titanium 1 0.01 µg/l
U, uranium 0.01 µg/l
V, vanadium 0.05 µg/l
Zr, zirconium 1 0.01 µg/l

LV-3a-ADD Supplementary elements

Package info

Price: 2 580 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Waste/construction material
Analysis type: Leaching tests
Remarks: For more information about leach testing and analysis of waste.
Please always contact customer service in Luleå before samples for express analyses are sent to the laboratory.

1 The parameter is not accredited.