Packages: 15
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock

Sulphide containing rock / Geological samples

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
S, sulphur 500 mg/kg

SULF-2a Total sulphur in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 665 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NGApH-test can be ordered as additional tests.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Total sulphur:
S, sulphur
ABA test:
acid potential (AP)
neutralisations potential (NP)
net neutralisation potential (NNP)
neutralisation potential ratio (NPR)
NAGpH test
pH after NAGpH test

SULF-1a Package base for sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 7 700 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
Please observe, ABA-test and NAGpH-test will only be performed if total sulphur exceeds 1000 mg/kg (0.1%).
Only the cost for analysis of total sulphur and sample preparation will be charged if total sulphur is lower than 1000 mg/kg.
Please contact if you would like another procedure.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
acid potential (AP)
neutralisations potential (NP)
net neutralisation potential (NNP)
neutralisation potential ratio (NPR)

SULF-4 Additional: ABA test (Acid Base Accounting) in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 4 235 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Method: SS-EN 15875 (ABA-test)
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Additional analysis to total sulphur/metals in sulphide rocks (SULF-2a, -2b, 2c). The additional analysis must be ordered within 15 working days from the report date of the total sulphur/metals results.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
ABA test:
acid potential (AP)
neutralisations potential (NP)
net neutralisation potential (NNP)
neutralisation potential ratio (NPR)
NAGpH test
pH after NAGpH test

SULF-3 Additional: ABA test and NAGpH test (Acid Base Accounting) in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 7 045 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Method: SS-EN 15875 (ABA-test)
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Additional analysis to total sulphur/metals in sulphide rocks (SULF-2a, -2b, 2c). The additional analysis must be ordered within 15 working days from the report date of the total sulphur/metals results.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
The analyses can be ordered separately, for example only ABA-test or only NAGpH-test. Please contact the laboratory in Danderyd for more information.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
NAGpH test
pH after NAGpH test

SULF-5 Additional: NAGpH test (Acid Base Accounting) in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 3 985 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Additional analysis to total sulphur/metals in sulphide rocks (SULF-2a, -2b, 2c). The additional analysis must be ordered within 15 working days from the report date of the total sulphur/metals results.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Total content metals:
S, sulphur
Ca, calcium
Fe, iron
As, arsenic
ABA test:
acid potential (AP)
neutralisations potential (NP)
net neutralisation potential (NNP)
neutralisation potential ratio (NPR)
NAGpH test
pH after NAGpH test

SULF-1b Package Plus for sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 8 185 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
Please observe, ABA-test and NAGpH-test will only be performed if total sulphur exceeds 1000 mg/kg (0.1%).
Only the cost for analysis of total S, Ca, Fe ans As and sample preparation will be charged if total sulphur is lower that 1000 mg/kg.
Please contact if you would like another procedure.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Total content metals:
As, arsenic
Cd, cadmium
Co, cobalt
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mn, manganese
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
S, sulphur
Sb, antimony
V, vanadium
Zn, zinc
ABA test:
acid potential (AP)
neutralisations potential (NP)
net neutralisation potential (NNP)
neutralisation potential ratio (NPR)
NAGpH test
pH after NAGpH test

SULF-1c Extended package for sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 8 530 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
Please observe, ABA-test and NAGpH-test will only be performed if total sulphur exceeds 1000 mg/kg (0.1%).
Only the cost for analysis of total metals and sample preparation will be charged if total sulphur is lower that 1000 mg/kg.
Please contact if you would like another procedure.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
S, sulphur 100 mg/kg
Ca, calcium 500 mg/kg
Fe, iron 200 mg/kg
As, arsenic 3 mg/kg

SULF-2b Total content metals (4) in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 1 115 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NGApH-test can be ordered as additional tests.
For samples that does not need to be dried, shortest TAT of 1 working day can be offered. Please contact the laboratory in that case.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 3 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.05 mg/kg
Co, cobalt 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.05 mg/kg
Mn, manganese 1 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 2 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
S, sulphur 100 mg/kg
Sb, antimony 0.05 mg/kg
V, vanadium 0.5 mg/kg
Zn, zinc 4 mg/kg

SULF-2c Total content metals (13) in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 1 490 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NGApH-test can be ordered as additional tests.
For samples that does not need to be dried, shortest TAT of 1 working day can be offered. Please contact the laboratory in that case.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Ag, silver 0.1 mg/kg
Al, aluminium 10 mg/kg
Au, gold 0.05 mg/kg
B, boron 10 mg/kg
Ba, barium 1 mg/kg
Be, beryllium 0.5 mg/kg
Bi, bismuth 0.05 mg/kg
Ca, calcium 100 mg/kg
Cs, cesium 0.05 mg/kg
Fe, iron 20 mg/kg
Ga, gallium 0.5 mg/kg
Ge, germanium 1 mg/kg
Hf, hafnium 1 mg/kg
Ir, iridium 0.05 mg/kg
K, potassium 100 mg/kg
Li, lithium 1 mg/kg
Mg, magnesium 50 mg/kg
Mo, molybdenum 0.5 mg/kg
Na, sodium 100 mg/kg
Nb, niobium 0.05 mg/kg
P, phosphorus 50 mg/kg
Pd, palladium 0.5 mg/kg
Pt, platinum 0.05 mg/kg
Rb, rubidium 0.5 mg/kg
Ru, ruthenium 0.5 mg/kg
Sc, scandium 0.1 mg/kg
Se, selenium 2 mg/kg
Si, silicon 1 mg/kg
Sn, tin 0.2 mg/kg
Sr, strontium 2 mg/kg
Ta, tantalum 1 mg/kg
Te, tellurium 0.5 mg/kg
Th, thorium mg/kg
Ti, titanium 2 mg/kg
Tl, thallium 0.05 mg/kg
W, tungsten 0.2 mg/kg
Zr, zirconium 1 mg/kg

SULF-ADD Supplementary analytes for sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: See remarks.
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: Contact laboratory
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Method: ICP-SFMS after digestion with HNO3, HCl and HF
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price per additional element: 230 SEK. Can only be ordered as addition to package SULF-1a, 1b, 1c or SULF-2a, 2b, 2c.
Lower LOQ(s) are available.
Please contact client service

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
paste pH

SULF-6 Paste pH in sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 370 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: Same day
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1.1: SameDay +350%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Remarks: Price for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.