Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Total content metals:
As, arsenic
Cd, cadmium
Co, cobalt
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Hg, mercury
Mn, manganese
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
S, sulphur
Sb, antimony
V, vanadium
Zn, zinc
ABA test:
acid potential (AP)
neutralisations potential (NP)
net neutralisation potential (NNP)
neutralisation potential ratio (NPR)
NAGpH test
pH after NAGpH test

SULF-1c Extended package for sulphide rocks

Package info

Price: 8 530 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 8
Sample type: Geological samples
Analysis type: Sulphide containing rock
Express: Yes, Express tariff 14: 2 workdays +175%; 3 wd +150%; 4 wd +120%; 5 workdays +100%; 6 workdays +75%; 7 workdays +40%; 8 workdays +30%; 9 workdays +20%
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation of sulphide rocks will be added, see information.
ABA-test and NAGpH-test is performed on material grinded to >85% <75 µm.
Please observe, ABA-test and NAGpH-test will only be performed if total sulphur exceeds 1000 mg/kg (0.1%).
Only the cost for analysis of total metals and sample preparation will be charged if total sulphur is lower that 1000 mg/kg.
Please contact if you would like another procedure.