Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Pesticides
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
2,4-D | 0.05 µg/l |
2,4-DP (dichlorprop) | 0.05 µg/l |
atrazine | 0.05 µg/l |
BAM (2,6-dichlorobenzamide) | 0.05 µg/l |
bentazon | 0.05 µg/l |
bitertanol | 0.05 µg/l |
boscalid | 0.05 µg/l |
cyanazine | 0.05 µg/l |
DCPU (1-(3.4-Dichlorophenyl) urea) | 0.05 µg/l |
DCPMU (Diuron desmethyl) | 0.05 µg/l |
atrazine-desethyl | 0.05 µg/l |
atrazine-desisopropyl | 0.05 µg/l |
dimethoate | 0.05 µg/l |
diuron | 0.05 µg/l |
ethofumesate | 0.05 µg/l |
fenoxaprop | 0.05 µg/l |
fluroxypyr | 0.05 µg/l |
imazapyr | 0.05 µg/l |
imidacloprid | 0.05 µg/l |
isoproturon | 0.05 µg/l |
clopyralid | 0.05 µg/l |
chloridazon | 0.05 µg/l |
quinmerac | 0.05 µg/l |
MCPA | 0.05 µg/l |
MCPP (mecoprop-isomers) | 0.05 µg/l |
metalaxyl (isomers) | 0.05 µg/l |
metamitron | 0.05 µg/l |
metazachlor | 0.05 µg/l |
metribuzin | 0.05 µg/l |
simazine | 0.05 µg/l |
terbuthylazine | 0.05 µg/l |
foramsulfuron | 0.05 µg/l |
chlorsulfuron | 0.05 µg/l |
metsulfuron methyl | 0.05 µg/l |
nicosulfuron | 0.05 µg/l |
pirimicarb | 0.05 µg/l |
propyzamide | 0.05 µg/l |
rimsulfuron | 0.05 µg/l |
sulfosulfuron | 0.05 µg/l |
thifensulfuron-methyl | 0.05 µg/l |
triasulfuron | 0.05 µg/l |
tribenuron-methyl | 0.05 µg/l |
triflusulfuron methyl | 0.05 µg/l |
OV-3e Pesticides in water
Package info
Price: 3 935 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 6 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Pesticides
Sample amount: 120 ml
Container: 3x40 ml brown EPA vial with Na2S2O3
Method: LC-MS-MS
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes