Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Combination packages
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
colour 2 mg Pt/l
conductivity 1 mS/m
pH 3-11 pH
alkalinity 1 2.4 mg/l HCO3
turbidity 1 1.0 FNU
chloride 0.1 mg/l
sulfate 5.0 mg/l
fluoride 0.2 mg/l
ammonium 0.05 mg/l
ammonium nitrogen 0.04 mg/l
nitrate 0.27 mg/l
nitrate nitrogen 0.06 mg/l
nitrite 1 0.005 mg/l
nitrite nitrogen 1 0.002 mg/l
nitrogen, total 1.0 mg/l
phosphate 0.04 mg/l
phosphate phosphorus 0.01 mg/l
phosphorus, total 0.03 mg/l
TOC 0.5 mg/l
DOC (dissolved organic carbon) 0.5 mg/l
BOD7, biochemical oxygen demand, 7 days 1.0 mg/l
Ca, calcium 200 µg/l
K, potassium 500 µg/l
Fe, iron 4 µg/l

Waste disposal package

Package info

Price: 2 715 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Combination packages
Container: 60 ml plastic bottle, 2x250 ml plastic bottle + 1 l plastic bottle
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Time sensitive analysis. Please send the samples to the laboratory as soon as possible after sampling. Please, do not send the samples over a weekend.
Water samples containing sediment are decanted prior to metal analysis.

1 The analysis will be performed >24 hours after the laboratory has received the sample.