Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Combination packages
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
turbidity | 0.20 FNU |
COD-Mn | 0.5 mg/l |
conductivity | 1 mS/m |
pH | 3-11 pH |
alkalinity | 1 mg/l HCO3 |
ammonium | 0.05 mg/l |
nitrate | 0.5 mg/l |
nitrite | 0.01 mg/l |
phosphate | 0.04 mg/l |
fluoride | 0.2 mg/l |
chloride | 0.5 mg/l |
sulfate | 0.5 mg/l |
total hardness | 0.1 °dH |
Al, aluminium | 0.2 µg/l |
As, arsenic 1 | 0.05 µg/l |
Ba, barium | 0.01 µg/l |
Ca, calcium | 100 µg/l |
Cd, cadmium 2 | 0.002 µg/l |
Co, cobalt | 0.005 µg/l |
Cr, chromium | 0.01 µg/l |
Cu, copper | 0.1 µg/l |
Fe, iron | 0.4 µg/l |
Hg, mercury | 0.002 µg/l |
K, potassium | 400 µg/l |
Mg, magnesium | 90 µg/l |
Mn, manganese | 0.03 µg/l |
Mo, molybdenum | 0.05 µg/l |
Na, sodium | 100 µg/l |
Ni, nickel | 0.05 µg/l |
P, phosphorus | 1 µg/l |
Pb, lead | 0.01 µg/l |
Si, silicon | 30 µg/l |
Sr, strontium | 2 µg/l |
V, vanadium | 0.005 µg/l |
Zn, zinc | 0.2 µg/l |
GV-3 Plus (incl. V-2) Ground water
Package info
2 290 SEK / sample10 work days
2 work days
Combination packages
2x250 ml plastic bottle + 60 ml quality controlled plastic bottle
Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Rinse the bottle 1-2 times before sampling using the same type of water as for the sample.
Water samples containing sediment are decanted prior to preservation unless filtering has been ordered. Cost for decanting or filtering will be added.
Price for supplementary element within the accreditation: 230 SEK/element. Please contact the laboratory.
Time sensitive analysis. Please send the samples to the laboratory as soon as possible after sampling. Please, do not send the samples over a weekend.
1 A higher limit of quantification applies to samples with high chloride levels.
2 A higher limit of quantification applies to samples with high molybdenum levels.