Sample type: Passive sampling/water
Analysis type: Elements
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Ag, silver
Al, aluminium
Ba, barium
Ca, calcium
Cd, cadmium
Ce, cerium
Co, cobalt
Cr, chromium
Cu, copper
Dy, dysprosium
Er, erbium
Eu, europium
Fe, iron
Gd, gadolinium
Ho, holmium
La, lanthanum
Lu, lutetium
Mg, magnesium
Mn, manganese
Nd, neodymium
Ni, nickel
Pb, lead
Pr, praseodymium
Sm, samarium
Sr, strontium
Tb, terbium
Tm, thulium
U, uranium
Yb, ytterbium
Zn, zinc

PSM-2 Metals (cations) with passive sampling, extended

Package info

Price: 2 095 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 6
Sample type: Passive sampling/water
Analysis type: Elements
Container: DGT (PS Metal) for cations
Method: ICP-SFMS
Instruction: Sampling instructions
Remarks: LOQs depend on the exposure time.
Calibration data available (average concentration can be calculated).
Observe, sampler is not included in the price.