Packages: 126
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements, Isotopes, Organic compounds, Other analyses, Ecotoxicology, Equipment
Elements / Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al2O3 | |
CaO | |
Fe2O3 | |
K2O | |
MgO | |
MnO | |
Na2O | |
P2O5 | |
SiO2 | |
TiO2 | |
sum of oxides 1 | |
LOI | |
As, arsenic | 3 mg/kg dry weight |
Ba, barium | 5 mg/kg dry weight |
Be, beryllium | 0.5 mg/kg dry weight |
Cd, cadmium | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
Co, cobalt | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
Cr, chromium | 10 mg/kg dry weight |
Cu, copper | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
Hg, mercury | 0.01 mg/kg dry weight |
Mo, molybdenum | 5 mg/kg dry weight |
Nb, niobium | 5 mg/kg dry weight |
Ni, nickel | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
Pb, lead | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
S, sulphur | 100 mg/kg dry weight |
Sc, scandium | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
Sn, tin | 20 mg/kg dry weight |
Sr, strontium | 3 mg/kg dry weight |
V, vanadium | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
W, tungsten | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
Y, yttrium | 0.5 mg/kg dry weight |
Zn, zinc | 4 mg/kg dry weight |
Zr, zirconium | 0.5 mg/kg dry weight |
MG-2 Metals (31) in ash after acid digestion and fusion
Package info
Price: 2 135 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: min. 5 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.
1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al2O3 1 | |
CaO 1 | |
Fe2O3 1 | |
K2O 1 | |
MgO 1 | |
MnO 1 | |
Na2O 1 | |
P2O5 1 | |
SiO2 1 | |
TiO2 | |
sum of oxides | |
ash content (550°C) 1 | |
As, arsenic 1 | 0.08 mg/kg dry weight |
Ba, barium 1 | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
Be, beryllium 1 | 0.03 mg/kg dry weight |
Cd, cadmium 1 | 0.005 mg/kg dry weight |
Co, cobalt 1 | 0.005 mg/kg dry weight |
Cr, chromium 1 | 0.5 mg/kg dry weight |
Cu, copper 1 | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
Hg, mercury 1 | 0.01 mg/kg dry weight |
Mo, molybdenum 1 | 0.3 mg/kg dry weight |
Nb, niobium 1 | 0.3 mg/kg dry weight |
Ni, nickel 1 | 0.04 mg/kg dry weight |
Pb, lead 1 | 0.04 mg/kg dry weight |
S, sulphur | 8 mg/kg dry weight |
Sc, scandium 1 | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
Sr, strontium 1 | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
V, vanadium 1 | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
W, tungsten 1 | 2.5 mg/kg dry weight |
Y, yttrium 1 | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
Zn, zinc 1 | 0.2 mg/kg dry weight |
Zr, zirconium 1 | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
MG-3 Metals in biofuels
Package info
Price: 2 135 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Remarks: The specified LOQ is valid for an ash content of 5%. If some other unit is preferred, please specify on your order.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.
1 Accredited analysis.
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
As, arsenic 1 | 3 mg/kg dry weight |
Cd, cadmium 1 | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
Co, cobalt 1 | 0.1 mg/kg dry weight |
Cr, chromium | 10 mg/kg dry weight |
Cu, copper 1 | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
Hg, mercury 1 | 0.01 mg/kg dry weight |
Mn, manganese | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
Ni, nickel 1 | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
Pb, lead 1 | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
S, sulphur | 100 mg/kg dry weight |
V, vanadium | 0.5 mg/kg dry weight |
Zn, zinc 1 | 4 mg/kg dry weight |
M-5 Metals (12) in ash, total digestion
Package info
Price: 1 575 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: min. 1 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.
1 Accredited analysis.
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al2O3 | |
CaO | |
Fe2O3 | |
K2O | |
MgO | |
MnO | |
Na2O | |
P2O5 | |
SiO2 | |
TiO2 | |
sum of oxides 1 | |
LOI | |
Ba, barium | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
Be, beryllium | 0.5 mg/kg dry weight |
Co, cobalt 1 | 5 mg/kg dry weight |
Cr, chromium | 10 mg/kg dry weight |
Mo, molybdenum | 5 mg/kg dry weight |
Nb, niobium | 5 mg/kg dry weight |
Ni, nickel 1 | 10 mg/kg dry weight |
Sc, scandium | 1 mg/kg dry weight |
Sr, strontium | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
V, vanadium | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
W, tungsten | 50 mg/kg dry weight |
Y, yttrium | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
Zr, zirconium | 2 mg/kg dry weight |
G-6 Metals in ash
Package info
Price: 1 270 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 5 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.
1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Ag, silver | |
Al, aluminium | |
As, arsenic | |
Au, gold | |
B, boron | |
Ba, barium | |
Be, beryllium | |
Bi, bismuth | |
Br, bromine | |
Ca, calcium | |
Cd, cadmium | |
Ce, cerium | |
Co, cobalt | |
Cr, chromium | |
Cs, cesium | |
Cu, copper | |
Dy, dysprosium | |
Er, erbium | |
Eu, europium | |
Fe, iron | |
Ga, gallium | |
Gd, gadolinium | |
Ge, germanium | |
Hf, hafnium | |
Hg, mercury | |
Ho, holmium | |
I, iodine | |
Ir, iridium | |
K, potassium | |
La, lanthanum | |
Li, lithium | |
Lu, lutetium | |
Mg, magnesium | |
Mn, manganese | |
Mo, molybdenum | |
Na, sodium | |
Nd, neodymium | |
Ni, nickel | |
Nb, niobium | |
Os, osmium | |
P, phosphorus | |
Pb, lead | |
Pd, palladium | |
Pr, praseodymium | |
Pt, platinum | |
Rb, rubidium | |
Re, rhenium | |
Rh, rhodium | |
Ru, ruthenium | |
S, sulphur | |
Sb, antimony | |
Sc, scandium | |
Se, selenium | |
Si, silicon | |
Sm, samarium | |
Sn, tin | |
Sr, strontium | |
Ta, tantalum | |
Tb, terbium | |
Te, tellurium | |
Th, thorium | |
Ti, titanium | |
Tl, thallium | |
Tm, thulium | |
U, uranium | |
V, vanadium | |
W, tungsten | |
Y, yttrium | |
Yb, ytterbium | |
Zn, zinc | |
Zr, zirconium |
S01 Screening analysis, elements (fuel, ash and flue gas)
Package info
Price: 4 505 SEK / sampleDiscount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Sample amount is dependent on matrices and LOR requirements. For more information about the analytical packages, useful applications and sample amount requirements, please see Screening analysis - metals. Contact ALS in Luleå, Sweden if you have any questions.
Isotopes / Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Cs-137 (cesium-137) 1 | 1 Bq/kg dry weight |
Ra-226 (radium-226) 1 | 1 Bq/kg dry weight |
K-40 (potassium-40) 1 | 10 Bq/kg dry weight |
U-238 (uranium-238) | 1 Bq/kg dry weight |
Th-232 (thorium-232) | 1 Bq/kg dry weight |
G-8 Isotopes in ash according to SSMFS 2012:3
Package info
Price: 3 225 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 30 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Isotopes
Sample amount: 500 ml
Method: Gamma spectrometry and ICP-MS after acid digestion/melt.
Express: No
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation, crushing and grinding may be added.
1 Accredited analysis.
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Cs-137 (cesium-137) | 0,05 Bq/kg dry weight |
Cesium-137 in ash
Package info
Price: 1 845 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 10 work days
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Isotopes
Sample amount: 500 ml
Container: 500 ml plastic jar
Accreditation: Yes
Organic compounds / Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
naphthalene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
acenaphthylene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
acenaphthene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
fluorene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
phenanthrene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
anthracene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
fluoranthene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
pyrene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
benzo(a)anthracene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
chrysene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
benzo(b)fluoranthene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
benzo(k)fluoranthene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
benzo(a)pyrene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
dibenzo(ah)anthracene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
benzo(ghi)perylene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
indeno(123cd)pyrene | 0.05 mg/kg dry weight |
sum of 16 PAHs | 0.4 mg/kg dry weight |
sum of carcinogenic PAH | 0.2 mg/kg dry weight |
sum of other PAHs | 0.2 mg/kg dry weight |
OA-1 PAH in ash
Package info
Price: 2 030 SEK / sampleDiscount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: GC-MS
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
PCB 28 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
PCB 52 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
PCB 101 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
PCB 118 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
PCB 138 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
PCB 153 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
PCB 180 | 0.003 mg/kg dry weight |
sum PCB 7 |
OA-2a PCB in ash
Package info
Price: 1 810 SEK / sampleDiscount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: GC-MS
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
PCB 77 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 81 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 105 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 114 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 118 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 123 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 126 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 156 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 157 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 167 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 169 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
PCB 189 | 5 ng/kg dry weight |
OA-2b Dioxin-like PCB in ash
Package info
Price: 8 365 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
fraction >C10-C12 | 100 mg/kg dry weight |
fraction >C12-C16 | 100 mg/kg dry weight |
fraction >C16-C35 | 100 mg/kg dry weight |
fraction >C35-C40 | 100 mg/kg dry weight |
OA-20c Oil GC-FID in ash
Package info
Price: 1 165 SEK / sampleDiscount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: GC-FID
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
2,3,7,8-tetraCDD | 2 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDD | 3 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDD | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDD | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDD | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDD | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
octachlorodibenzodioxin | 10 ng/kg dry weight |
2,3,7,8-tetraCDF | 2 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDF | 3 ng/kg dry weight |
2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF | 3 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDF | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDF | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDF | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexaCDF | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDF | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptaCDF | 6 ng/kg dry weight |
octachlorodibenzofuran | 10 ng/kg dry weight |
OA-22 Dioxins and furans
Package info
Price: 9 655 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: HR-GC-MS
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Other analyses / Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
SO3 | 0,02 mg/l |
SO3 with ion chromatography in adsorption solution (5% isopropanol)
Package info
Price: 650 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: No
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Rinse solution: 5% isopropanol, adjusted to pH 4.6.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
sulfate | mg/l |
Volume | mg/l |
SOx (SO2) (3% alt. 0,3 % H2O2 adsorption solution)
Package info
Price: 345 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 3% H2O2 alt 0.3% H2O2.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
sulfate | 0.02 mg/l |
SOx (SO2) (Low LOR) in adsorption solution
Package info
Price: 480 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 3% H2O2 alt 0.3% H2O2.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
fluoride | 0.1 mg/l |
Fluoride, HF in absorption solution
Package info
Price: 335 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 0.1 M NaOH.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
fluoride | 0.005 mg/l |
Fluoride, HF, low LOQ in absorption solution
Package info
Price: 495 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 0.1 M NaOH.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Ecotoxicology / Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Characterisation of waste material- Preparation of waste material for ecotoxicological testing
Package info
Price: Contact the laboratoryStd. response time: Contact the laboratory
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Ecotoxicology
Method: SS-EN 14735:2005
Remarks: All ecotoxicological analyses that are analysed in water can be performed to characterize waste material. Please contact the laboratory for more information, phone +46 (0) 418-707 00
Equipment / Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Spiked XAD-2-ampoule for air/emissions
Package info
Price: 1 365 SEK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Equipment
Accreditation: Yes