Packages: 125
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements, Isotopes, Organic compounds, Other analyses, Ecotoxicology, Equipment

Elements / Fuel, ash and flue gas

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
sum of oxides 1
As, arsenic 3 mg/kg dry weight
Ba, barium 5 mg/kg dry weight
Be, beryllium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Co, cobalt 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 10 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg dry weight
Mo, molybdenum 5 mg/kg dry weight
Nb, niobium 5 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 2 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg dry weight
S, sulphur 100 mg/kg dry weight
Sc, scandium 1 mg/kg dry weight
Sn, tin 20 mg/kg dry weight
Sr, strontium 3 mg/kg dry weight
V, vanadium 2 mg/kg dry weight
W, tungsten 1 mg/kg dry weight
Y, yttrium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zinc 4 mg/kg dry weight
Zr, zirconium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight

MG-2 Metals (31) in ash after acid digestion and fusion

Package info

Price: 2 050 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: min. 5 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al2O3 1
CaO 1
Fe2O3 1
K2O 1
MgO 1
MnO 1
Na2O 1
P2O5 1
SiO2 1
sum of oxides
ash content (550°C) 1
As, arsenic 1 0.08 mg/kg dry weight
Ba, barium 1 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Be, beryllium 1 0.03 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 1 0.005 mg/kg dry weight
Co, cobalt 1 0.005 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 1 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 1 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury 1 0.01 mg/kg dry weight
Mo, molybdenum 1 0.3 mg/kg dry weight
Nb, niobium 1 0.3 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 1 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 1 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
S, sulphur 8 mg/kg dry weight
Sc, scandium 1 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Sr, strontium 1 2 mg/kg dry weight
V, vanadium 1 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
W, tungsten 1 2.5 mg/kg dry weight
Y, yttrium 1 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zinc 1 0.2 mg/kg dry weight
Zr, zirconium 1 0.1 mg/kg dry weight

MG-3 Metals in biofuels

Package info

Price: 2 050 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Remarks: The specified LOQ is valid for an ash content of 5%. If some other unit is preferred, please specify on your order.
Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.

1 Accredited analysis.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 1 3 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 1 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
Co, cobalt 1 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 10 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 1 1 mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury 1 0.01 mg/kg dry weight
Mn, manganese 1 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 1 2 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 1 1 mg/kg dry weight
S, sulphur 100 mg/kg dry weight
V, vanadium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zinc 1 4 mg/kg dry weight

M-5 Metals (12) in ash, total digestion

Package info

Price: 1 510 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: min. 1 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.

1 Accredited analysis.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
sum of oxides 1
Ba, barium 2 mg/kg dry weight
Be, beryllium 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
Co, cobalt 1 5 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 10 mg/kg dry weight
Mo, molybdenum 5 mg/kg dry weight
Nb, niobium 5 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 1 10 mg/kg dry weight
Sc, scandium 1 mg/kg dry weight
Sr, strontium 2 mg/kg dry weight
V, vanadium 2 mg/kg dry weight
W, tungsten 50 mg/kg dry weight
Y, yttrium 2 mg/kg dry weight
Zr, zirconium 2 mg/kg dry weight

G-6 Metals in ash

Package info

Price: 1 220 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 5 g dry matter
Container: 100 ml plastic jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 2: 3 days +100%; 4 days +75%; 5 days +40%; 6 days +30%; 7 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation may be added.
If you have questions about sample preparation, please contact the laboratory.

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Ag, silver
Al, aluminium
As, arsenic
Au, gold
B, boron
Ba, barium
Be, beryllium
Bi, bismuth
Br, bromine
Ca, calcium
Cd, cadmium
Ce, cerium
Co, cobalt
Cr, chromium
Cs, cesium
Cu, copper
Dy, dysprosium
Er, erbium
Eu, europium
Fe, iron
Ga, gallium
Gd, gadolinium
Ge, germanium
Hf, hafnium
Hg, mercury
Ho, holmium
I, iodine
Ir, iridium
K, potassium
La, lanthanum
Li, lithium
Lu, lutetium
Mg, magnesium
Mn, manganese
Mo, molybdenum
Na, sodium
Nd, neodymium
Ni, nickel
Nb, niobium
Os, osmium
P, phosphorus
Pb, lead
Pd, palladium
Pr, praseodymium
Pt, platinum
Rb, rubidium
Re, rhenium
Rh, rhodium
Ru, ruthenium
S, sulphur
Sb, antimony
Sc, scandium
Se, selenium
Si, silicon
Sm, samarium
Sn, tin
Sr, strontium
Ta, tantalum
Tb, terbium
Te, tellurium
Th, thorium
Ti, titanium
Tl, thallium
Tm, thulium
U, uranium
V, vanadium
W, tungsten
Y, yttrium
Yb, ytterbium
Zn, zinc
Zr, zirconium

S01 Screening analysis, elements (fuel, ash and flue gas)

Package info

Price: 4 330 SEK / sample
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Elements
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Sample amount is dependent on matrices and LOR requirements. For more information about the analytical packages, useful applications and sample amount requirements, please see Screening analysis - metals. Contact ALS in Luleå, Sweden if you have any questions.

Isotopes / Fuel, ash and flue gas

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Cs-137 (cesium-137) 1 1 Bq/kg dry weight
Ra-226 (radium-226) 1 1 Bq/kg dry weight
K-40 (potassium-40) 1 10 Bq/kg dry weight
U-238 (uranium-238) 1 Bq/kg dry weight
Th-232 (thorium-232) 1 Bq/kg dry weight

G-8 Isotopes in ash according to SSMFS 2012:3

Package info

Price: 3 100 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 30 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Isotopes
Sample amount: 500 ml
Method: Gamma spectrometry and ICP-MS after acid digestion/melt.
Express: No
Remarks: Cost for sample preparation, crushing and grinding may be added.
1 Accredited analysis.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Cs-137 (cesium-137) 0,05 Bq/kg dry weight

Cesium-137 in ash

Package info

Price: 1 770 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 10 work days
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Isotopes
Sample amount: 500 ml
Container: 500 ml plastic jar
Accreditation: Yes

Organic compounds / Fuel, ash and flue gas

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
naphthalene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
acenaphthylene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
acenaphthene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
fluorene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
phenanthrene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
anthracene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
pyrene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
chrysene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
benzo(a)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
indeno(123cd)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg dry weight
sum of 16 PAHs 0.4 mg/kg dry weight
sum of carcinogenic PAH 0.2 mg/kg dry weight
sum of other PAHs 0.2 mg/kg dry weight

OA-1 PAH in ash

Package info

Price: 1 950 SEK / sample
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: GC-MS
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
PCB 28 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
PCB 52 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
PCB 101 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
PCB 118 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
PCB 138 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
PCB 153 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
PCB 180 0.003 mg/kg dry weight
sum PCB 7

OA-2a PCB in ash

Package info

Price: 1 740 SEK / sample
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: GC-MS
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
PCB 77 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 81 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 105 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 114 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 118 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 123 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 126 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 156 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 157 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 167 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 169 5 ng/kg dry weight
PCB 189 5 ng/kg dry weight

OA-2b Dioxin-like PCB in ash

Package info

Price: 8 040 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fraction >C10-C12 100 mg/kg dry weight
fraction >C12-C16 100 mg/kg dry weight
fraction >C16-C35 100 mg/kg dry weight
fraction >C35-C40 100 mg/kg dry weight

OA-20c Oil GC-FID in ash

Package info

Price: 1 120 SEK / sample
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: GC-FID
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
2,3,7,8-tetraCDD 2 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDD 3 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDD 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDD 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDD 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDD 6 ng/kg dry weight
octachlorodibenzodioxin 10 ng/kg dry weight
2,3,7,8-tetraCDF 2 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDF 3 ng/kg dry weight
2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF 3 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDF 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDF 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDF 6 ng/kg dry weight
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexaCDF 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDF 6 ng/kg dry weight
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptaCDF 6 ng/kg dry weight
octachlorodibenzofuran 10 ng/kg dry weight

OA-22 Dioxins and furans

Package info

Price: 9 280 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 4 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 50 g dry matter
Container: 212 ml glass jar
Method: HR-GC-MS
Express: Yes, Express tariff 3: 4 days +100%; 5 days +75%; 6 days +40%; 7 days +30%; 8 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes

Other analyses / Fuel, ash and flue gas

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
SO3 0,02 mg/l

SO3 with ion chromatography in adsorption solution (5% isopropanol)

Package info

Price: 625 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: No
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Rinse solution: 5% isopropanol, adjusted to pH 4.6.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
sulfate mg/l
Volume mg/l

SOx (SO2) (3% alt. 0,3 % H2O2 adsorption solution)

Package info

Price: 330 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 3% H2O2 alt 0.3% H2O2.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
sulfate 0.02 mg/l

SOx (SO2) (Low LOR) in adsorption solution

Package info

Price: 460 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 3% H2O2 alt 0.3% H2O2.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fluoride 0.1 mg/l

Fluoride, HF in absorption solution

Package info

Price: 320 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 0.1 M NaOH.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fluoride 0.005 mg/l

Fluoride, HF, low LOQ in absorption solution

Package info

Price: 475 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Other analyses
Method: Ion chromatography
Express: Yes, Expresstariff 1: SameDay +350%; Q07 +400%; Q12 300%; Q17 +200%; 1 day +100%; 2 days +75%; 3 days +40%; 4 days +30%; 5 days +20%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Solution: 0.1 M NaOH.
For orders of absorption solutions, please contact

Ecotoxicology / Fuel, ash and flue gas

Analysis of substance: Report limit:

Characterisation of waste material- Preparation of waste material for ecotoxicological testing

Package info

Price: Contact the laboratory
Std. response time: Contact the laboratory
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Ecotoxicology
Method: SS-EN 14735:2005
Remarks: All ecotoxicological analyses that are analysed in water can be performed to characterize waste material. Please contact the laboratory for more information, phone +46 (0) 418-707 00

Equipment / Fuel, ash and flue gas

Analysis of substance: Report limit:

Spiked XAD-2-ampoule for air/emissions

Package info

Price: 1 310 SEK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 5 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Fuel, ash and flue gas
Analysis type: Equipment
Accreditation: Yes