Whole blood
Rentschler G, Rodushkin I, Cerna M, Chen C, Harari F, Harari R, Horvat M,
Hruba F, Kasparova L, Koppova K, Krskova A (2018) Platinum, palladium, rhodium, molybdenum and strontium in blood of urban women in nine countriesInternational journal of hygiene and environmental health. 221(2):223-30.
Rodushkin, I. , Engström, E. & Baxter, D. C. (2013) Isotopic analyses by ICP-MS in clinical samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 405 (9), 2785-2797.
Van Heghe, L. , Engström, E. & Rodushkin, I. (2012) Isotopic analysis of the metabolically relevant transition metals Cu, Fe and Zn in human blood from vegetarians and omnivores using multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 27, 1327-1334.
Baxter D.C., Rodushkin I., Engstrom E., Klockare D., Waara H. (2007) Methylmercury measurement in whole blood by isotope-dilution GC-ICPMS with 2 sample preparation methods. Clinical Chemistry 53(1): 111-116.
Stenberg A., Malinovsky D., Ohlander B., Andren H., Forsling W., Engstrom L.M., Wahlin A., Engstrom E., Rodushkin I., Baxter D.C. (2005) Measurement of iron and zinc isotopes in human whole blood: Preliminary application to the study of HFE genotypes. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19(1): 55-60).
Stenberg A., Andren H., Malinovsky D., Engstrom E., Rodushkin I., Baxter D.C. (2004) Isotopic variations of Zn in biological materials. Analytical Chemistry 76(14): 3971-3978.
Stenberg A., Malinovsky D., Rodushkin I., Andren H., Ponter C., Ohlander B., Baxter D.C. (2003) Separation of Fe from whole blood matrix for precise isotopic ratio measurements by MC-ICP-MS: a comparison of different approaches. Journal of Analytical Atomic spectrometry 18(1): 23-28.
Rodushkin I., Odman F. (2001) Assessment of the contamination from devices used for sampling and storage of whole blood and serum for element analysis. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 15(1): 40-45.
Rodushkin I., Odman F., Olofsson R., Axelsson M.D. (2000) Determination of 60 elements in whole blood by sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 15(8): 937-944.
Rodushkin I., Odman F., Branth S. (1999) Multielement analysis of whole blood by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 364(4): 338-346.
Rodushkin I., Engstrom E., Stenberg A., Baxter D.C. (2004) Determination of low-abundance elements at ultra-trace levels in urine and serum by inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 380(2): 247-257.
Rodushkin I., Odman F. (2001) Assessment of the contamination from devices used for sampling and storage of whole blood and serum for element analysis. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 15(1): 40-45.
Rodushkin I., Engstrom E., Stenberg A., Baxter D.C. (2004) Determination of low-abundance elements at ultra-trace levels in urine and serum by inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 380(2): 247-257.
Rodushkin I , Odman F. (2001) Application of inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry for elemental analysis of urine. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 14(4): 241-247.
Hair and nails
Rodushkin I., Axelsson M.D. (2003) Application of double focusing sector field ICP-MS for multielemental characterization of human hair and nails. Part III. Direct analysis by laser ablation. Science of the Total Environment 305(1-3): 23-39.
Rodushkin I., Axelsson M.D. (2000) Application of double focusing sector field ICP-MS for multielemental characterization of human hair and nails. Part II. A study of the inhabitants of northern Sweden. Science of the Total Environment 262(1-2): 21-36.
Rodushkin I., Axelsson M.D. (2000) Application of double focusing sector field ICP-MS for multielemental characterization of human hair and nails. Part I. Analytical methodology. Science of the Total Environment 250(1-3): 83-100.